Memorabilia Request Restrictions

The University of Georgia is not permitted to:

1. Offer, provide or arrange financial assistance, directly or indirectly, to pay the costs of a prospect’s post-high school education;
2. Provide funding directly or indirectly or through paid advertisements, to benefit a high school or its athletics program. This includes any team or organization that includes or supports prospective-age students (grades 9-12); or
3. Provide athletic equipment to a high school

In addition, it is not permissible for a commercial agency, business or personal entity to use the name, picture, appearance or autograph of a student-athlete to advertise, promote or benefit its own self-interests.

We hope that you understand our obligation to the UGA athletic department and maintaining good standing with the NCAA.

University of Georgia Compliance Department
(706) 542-9103

Contact Us:

1 Selig Circle
Athens, Georgia 30602
(706) 542-9103