Annual Leave, Camp Concession & Housing

Annual Leave

  • Should a non-contract UGAAA employee work as an employee for an organization’s camp, the employee must claim annual leave for the time they work for that camp.
  • This policy is consistent with other UGAAA and UGA policies regarding the use of leave.

Camp Concessions

  • While the Athletic Association permits each camp to offer concessions and souvenirs, it is also sensitive to the impact sales may have on campers. Accordingly, camp coordinators are to carefully review concession and souvenirs prices to insure they are not excessive and are reminded to closely coordinate with University Housing officials to insure concession and souvenir plans do not conflict with University policies.
  • All proceeds from concessions and souvenirs are to be reported in the annual camp report.


  • It is the responsibility of each camp coordinator to arrange for adequate housing accommodations through the University Housing Office. An official from the University Housing Office has been assigned the primary responsibility of coordinating all camp requirements.