Amateurism Reminders


Key Dates

  • College Advisory Committee evaluation request final deadline (with no guarantee that an evaluation will be completed): January 4, 2013
  • Early-entry deadline for underclassmen: January 15, 2013
  • Early-entry withdrawal deadline for underclassmen: 72  hours after early-entry deadline (midnight January 18, 2013)

Student-Athletes will lose their eligibility IF:

  • They agree orally or in writing to be represented by an agent or any individual acting on behalf of the agent [e.g., runner].
  • They accept any benefits from an agent, a prospective agent or any individual acting on behalf of the agent [e.g., runner].
  • If they participate in a tryout with a professional team that lasts longer than 48 hours, which they have not personally financed.
  • If they tryout with a professional team during the academic year and miss class.
  • If they enter the draft AND do not take the appropriate steps to withdraw and declare their intention to resume intercollegiate participation.

This information was taken from the November 30, 2012 letter sent to football student-athletes from the NCAA.

Contact Us:

1 Selig Circle
Athens, Georgia 30602
(706) 542-9103

Follow us on X @UGACompliance!

As a reminder, student-athletes may receive medical treatment and attend academic appointments on a required day off. These activities do not count toward daily or weekly hour limits (CARA).

Reminder: Student-athletes may not receive payment from any source for his/her complimentary admissions and may not exchange or assign them for any item of value. Also, family members and friends who have been assigned tickets may not sell or exchange them either!

With the NFL season kicking off this week, remember that all sports wagering activities are prohibited for all student-athletes and UGA Athletics Staff. This includes fantasy football, survivor pools, etc.

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