Booster FAQ

Q: Am I Considered to be a University of Georgia Representative of Athletics Interests (Booster)?

A: A “booster” is an individual or business who is known (or should have been known) by the UGA Athletic Association to have participated in any of the following: participated in or been a member of an organization promoting Georgia Athletics; contributed financially to the UGA Athletic Association, the Bulldog Club, individual athletic programs or any other Georgia Athletics or sport-specific booster organization; assisted in the recruitment of prospects; provided NCAA permissible benefits to enrolled student-athletes or their families; is a former UGA student, or promoted the UGA Athletic Association in other ways.

Q: Is UGA responsible for the actions of its representatives (boosters) and their support groups?

A: Yes. Representatives of athletics interests are subject to NCAA regulations and UGA is subject to penalties for any violation of NCAA rules by athletic representatives or their support organization.

Q: Who is considered to be a prospective student-athlete (prospect)?

A: A prospect is a student in the ninth grade or above regardless of their athletic talent. Prospects are also students in prep schools and junior colleges.

Q: What is considered recruiting?

A: Recruiting is any solicitation of the prospect or the prospect’s family (or guardian) by an institutional staff member or by a representative of the institution’s athletics interests for the purpose of securing the prospect’s enrollment and ultimate participation in the institution’s intercollegiate athletic program.

Q: How long is a prospective student-athlete considered to be a prospect?

A: A prospective student-athlete remains a prospect even after committing to or signing a National Letter of Intent with the University of Georgia or any institution, and both the institution and the prospect continue to be governed by NCAA recruiting legislation regarding prospects until the prospects reports for regular squad practice or the prospect attends his/her first day if classes in any regular semester.

Q: Is it permissible to contact a perspective student-athlete or his/her parents or legal guardians?

A: No. An athletic representative may not contact a prospect or his/her parents in person, by telephone or in writing. Contact may not be made with a prospect or his/her parents on or off the UGA campus.

Q: Is this contact rule applicable to “established family friends” or neighbors?

A: No. However, it must be understood that such contacts cannot be made for recruiting purposes and cannot be initiated or arranged by UGA coaching staff members. In addition, the established relationship between the booster and the prospect must have occurred prior to the friend or neighbor becoming a prospect.

Q: What if a prospect calls an athletic representative?

A: An athletic representative may have a telephone conversation with a prospect ONLY if the prospect initiates the call. Such a call may not be prearranged by an institutional staff member and the athletic representative may NOT have a recruiting conversation, but may exhibit normal civility. The athletic representative must refer any questions about the University’s athletic program to the UGA Athletic Association.

Q: What if a prospect knows that an athletic representative is an UGA graduate and contacts him/her to ask questions about Georgia?

A: If a prospect contacts an athletic representative, he/she may answer questions regarding various aspects of UGA as long as NO discussion takes place regarding the UGA athletic program. If a prospect asks about UGA athletics, refer him/her to the appropriate coaching staff.

Q: What if unavoidable incidental contact is made with a prospect by an athletic representative?

A: An unavoidable incidental contact with a prospect is permissible provided the contact is not prearranged by the athletic representative or an Athletic Association staff member, does not take place at the prospect’s educational institution or at the sites of organized competition and practice involving the prospect, is not made for the purpose of recruitment of the prospect, and involves only normal civility.

Q: Is it permissible for an athletic representative to telephone a prospect once the prospect has committed to or signed a National Letter of Intent and congratulate them?

A: No. Even if the purpose of the call is only to congratulate the prospect, he/she is still a prospect and the same contact rules apply after committing or signing that applied before. Do not contact a prospect without first checking with the Compliance Office, unless the prospect is a relative.

Q: During recruitment, or prior to an individual’s enrollment, can an athletic representative be involved directly or indirectly in making arrangements for a prospect, the prospect’s relative, or friends to receive money, financial aid, or equivalent inducements?

A: No. Furthermore, it would not be permissible to make such arrangements for current student-athletes at UGA.

Q: What are considered other types of inducements that are prohibited for prospects, their relatives or friends?

A: Other types of inducements that are prohibited include, but are not limited to the following: cash or loans; promise of employment after college education; special discounts or payment arrangements on loans; employment for relatives or friends of prospects; arrangement for free or reduced charges for professional or personal services, purchases or charges; use of an automobile; providing transportation to and from summer job or any other site; co-signing a loan; the loan or gift of money or other tangible items (clothes, cars, jewelry, electronic/stereo equipment); free or reduced cost housing arrangements; entertainment costs on or off campus; educational expenses (typing costs, course supplies, use of copy machine); or registration for summer sports camps.

Q: Is it permissible for an athletic representative to bring to UGA’s attention outstanding prospects from the representative’s local area?

A: Yes. An athletic representative may not, however, get involved in the actual evaluation of the talent of a prospect. In other words, an athletic representative may not contact a prospect’s coach, principal, or counselor nor visit the prospect’s educational institution to pick up film or transcripts pertaining to the evaluation of the prospect’s athletic or academic abilities. In addition, an athletic representative cannot contact the prospect for purposes of soliciting the prospect’s enrollment at UGA and ultimate participation in athletics.

Q: Is it permissible for an athletic representative to reimburse the coach of a prospect for expenses incurred in transporting a prospect to visit campus?

A: No.

Q: Is it permissible for an athletic representative to entertain high school, preparatory, or junior college coaches at any location.

A: No. However, UGA may provide two complimentary admissions to the coaches to home athletic contests.

Contact Us:

1 Selig Circle
Athens, Georgia 30602
(706) 542-9103

Follow us on X @UGACompliance!

As a reminder, student-athletes may receive medical treatment and attend academic appointments on a required day off. These activities do not count toward daily or weekly hour limits (CARA).

Reminder: Student-athletes may not receive payment from any source for his/her complimentary admissions and may not exchange or assign them for any item of value. Also, family members and friends who have been assigned tickets may not sell or exchange them either!

With the NFL season kicking off this week, remember that all sports wagering activities are prohibited for all student-athletes and UGA Athletics Staff. This includes fantasy football, survivor pools, etc.

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