Don’t Bet On It

With the Super Bowl this Sunday, please remember that it is not permissible to engage in any gambling activity that involves intercollegiate athletics or professional athletics, through the Internet, a bookmaker, a parlay card, or any other method employed by organized gambling.

For more information concerning sports wagering, please visit the NCAA’s interactive sports wagering website at


Sports wagering includes placing, accepting or soliciting a wager (on a staff member’s or student-athlete’s own behalf or on the behalf of others) of any type with any individual or organization on any intercollegiate, amateur or professional team or contest.  Examples of sports wagering include, but are not limited to, the use of a bookmaker or parlay card; Internet sports wagering; auctions in which bids are placed on teams, individuals or contests; and pools or fantasy leagues in which an entry fee is required and there is an opportunity to win a prize.

NCAA Bylaw 10.02.2 :  WAGER

A wager is any agreement in which an individual or entity agrees to give up an item of value (e.g., cash, shirt, dinner) in exchange for the possibility of gaining another item of value.


The following individuals shall not knowingly participate in sports wagering activities or provide information to
individuals involved in or associated with any type of sports wagering activities concerning intercollegiate, amateur
or professional athletics competition:

(a) Staff members of an institution’s athletics department;
(b) Nonathletics department staff members who have responsibilities within or over the athletics department
(e.g., chancellor or president, faculty athletics representative, individual to whom athletics reports);
(c) Staff members of a conference office; and
(d) Student-athletes.

Contact Us:

1 Selig Circle
Athens, Georgia 30602
(706) 542-9103