
1.    Do I have to attend orientation?

Yes, it is required because it is the time that freshmen take placement tests and all students (freshmen and transfers) meet with an academic advisor.  You cannot register for classes without being cleared by an academic advisor.  The athletic academic counselors are not authorized to clear students for registration.

2.    What time do I have to be there?

Orientation starts at 8:00 am so you will want to come the night before if you are travelling a great distance. You can stay in the dorm the night before for a charge of around $30. There is no reservation needed for the extra night. Parents are welcome to come, too, and they can stay in the dorm if they wish. You should not plan to leave Athens until 5:00 pm on the last day of orientation because your last act will be getting advised and registered for classes. You may have a 4:30 advising appointment and not be ready to leave until 5:00 pm. If you get lucky, you could be out by 1:30 or 2:00 pm.

Flying in?? Here is the Groome Transportation Airport Shuttle number and they deliver you to the Georgia Center for Continuing Educaiton which is on campus across from the Coliseum and near the Rankin Smith Academic Center. 1-800-896-9928.


Contact Us:

1 Selig Circle
Athens, Georgia 30602
(706) 542-9103

Follow us on X @UGACompliance!

As a reminder, student-athletes may receive medical treatment and attend academic appointments on a required day off. These activities do not count toward daily or weekly hour limits (CARA).

Reminder: Student-athletes may not receive payment from any source for his/her complimentary admissions and may not exchange or assign them for any item of value. Also, family members and friends who have been assigned tickets may not sell or exchange them either!

With the NFL season kicking off this week, remember that all sports wagering activities are prohibited for all student-athletes and UGA Athletics Staff. This includes fantasy football, survivor pools, etc.

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