For all sports (other than football) that are out-of-season (8-hour weeks) during the time surrounding the fall exam period, all countable athletically related activities (e.g., practice, film, meetings, skill instruction) are prohibited one week prior to the beginning of the final exam period through the conclusion of each student-athlete’s final exams. The last day for countable activities is Wednesday, December 3rd as exams begin Thursday, December 11th.
This prohibition applies regardless of whether a student-athlete requests instruction. Student-athletes may participate in voluntary weight training and conditioning activities with the strength and conditioning staff, provided the workout is done at the student-athlete’s request and is voluntary.
Pursuant to NCAA Bylaw 17.02.1, individual consultation with a coaching staff member initiated voluntarily by a student-athlete is not a countable athletically related activity, provided any discussion between the coach and the student-athlete is limited to general counseling activities and does not involve activities set forth in Bylaw (e.g., chalk talk; use of equipment relating to the sport; field, floor or on-court activity). [11/7/91 Official Interpretation]
Student-athletes may not participate in any countable athletically related activities outside the playing season during an institutional vacation period. Student-athletes may work with the strength and conditioning staff, provided the workouts are voluntary and conducted at the request of the student-athlete. The exception that allows coaches in individual sports to participate in individual workout sessions with student-athletes during the summer does not apply to vacation periods that occur during the academic year. Safety exception legislation applies to vacation periods. For those sports without a safety exception, a voluntary activity becomes countable if it is observed by a member of the coaching staff.