Summer Conditioning Activities

The NCAA put this information out to provide clarification regarding activities that can take place over the summer.

Question No. 1: Does the eight-week period for required summer athletic activities need to coincide with the designated eight weeks for the summer conditioning period?

Answer: Yes. Except for this eight-week period, all remaining days from the conclusion of the academic year and the institution’s reporting date for preseason practice shall be considered student-athlete discretionary time.

Question No. 2: When may an institution begin to conduct summer athletic activities with its football student-athletes? When must summer athletic activities end?

Answer: Summer athletic activities may begin the day following the institution’s spring commencement exercises. Summer athletic activities must end by the start of the preseason. Note that unless a student-athlete meets the exception to the summer-school requirement, workouts are only permissible during the time period (term or terms) in which the student-athlete is enrolled, which includes only the time from the opening day of classes through the last day of final exams for each applicable term.

Question No. 3: Is it permissible for football student-athletes to engage in both voluntary and required activities during this eight-week period?

Answer: Yes.

Question No. 4: Is it permissible to conduct required summer athletic activities the week before finals and during the final exam period of the summer term(s)?

Answer: Yes, if those weeks fall within the eight-week period designated by the institution.

Question No. 5: May coaches be present during and/or conduct weight training and conditioning activities that are part of the eight hours per week of required summer athletic activities?

Answer: Yes, provided only football student-athletes participating in the eight hours per week of required summer athletic activities are present.

Question No. 6: If a coach engages in film review with a student-athlete at the student-athlete’s request during the eight week period, must the time count toward the eight hours per week limitation and toward the week’s permissible two hours of film review?

Answer: Yes. If a coach is present for film review, the activity is not considered voluntary. Therefore, only a football student-athlete participating in the eight hours per week of required summer athletic activities may participate and the activity must count toward the student-athlete’s eight hours per week limitation and toward the student-athlete’s permissible two hours of film review for the week.

Question No. 7: If an institution has multiple summer sessions, do the eight weeks of required summer athletic activities have to be continuous?

Answer: No. The eight weeks do not have to be consecutive or continuous. However, unless a student-athlete meets the exception to the summer-school requirement, workouts are only permissible during the time period (term or terms) in which the student-athlete is enrolled, which includes only the time from the opening day of classes through the last day of final exams for each applicable term.

Question No. 8: Are there exceptions for the service academies for situations when their student-athletes are assigned to summer work at a location (e.g., military base) that is separate from the service academy? May the coaching staff conduct workouts with those student-athletes assigned to another area of the country?

Answer: If a student-athlete is enrolled in a summer-school session, or meeting an exception to the enrollment requirement, it is permissible for the coaching staff to conduct workouts at the assigned location.

Question No. 9: Must incoming student-athletes (freshmen and transfers) sign the drug-testing consent form before participating in required summer athletic activities?

Answer: No. Summer drug testing is part of the previous academic year testing.

Question No. 10: Must an incoming student-athlete be certified as eligible to practice in order to participate in required summer athletic activities?

Answer: No.

Question No. 11: Are institutions required to provide student-athletes any days off during the eight weeks in which they are participating in required summer athletic activities?

Answer: No. There is no requirement to provide a day (or days) off during the eight weeks of required activities. However, student-athletes are limited to a maximum of eight hours per week, with not more than two hours per week spent on film review.

Question No. 12: May an institution conduct required summer athletic activities on a vacation day during the summer?

Answer: Yes. However, the activities must count toward the eight hours per week limitation and any film review must also count toward the week’s permissible two hours of film review.

Question No. 13: May student-athletes participate in unlimited hours of countable activities with their coaches during an institutional vacation period (e.g., Memorial Day, Independence Day) while engaging in required summer athletic activities?

Answer: No, a student-athlete engaging in required summer athletic activities is limited to a maximum of eight hours per week with not more than two hours per week spent on film review.

Question No. 14: May a student-athlete who has been certified as a nonqualifier participate in required summer athletic activities during the summer prior to initial full-time enrollment at the certifying institution?

Answer: Yes, provided he is enrolled in summer school and the activities are conducted during the time period (term or terms) in which the student-athlete is enrolled, which includes only the time from the opening day of classes through the last day of final exams for each applicable term.

Question No. 15: If a student-athlete was certified as a nonqualifier during the academic year, when may he begin to engage in required summer athletic activities after the year in residence?

Answer: Such a student-athlete may begin to participate in required summer athletic activities the day following the institution’s spring commencement exercises, provided the student-athlete is enrolled in summer school or meets the exception to summer school enrollment.

Question No. 16: Does a student-athlete’s temporary certification period begin when he starts participating in required summer athletic activities?

Answer: No.

Question No. 17: May a student-athlete who is enrolled in consecutive summer-school sessions during the same summer (e.g., the first and second summer-school sessions) engage in required summer athletic activities during the time in between sessions?

Answer: Only student-athletes who met the exception to summer-school enrollment at the end of the preceding regular academic term (e.g., spring semester, spring quarter) may engage in required summer athletic activities between terms.

Question No. 18: How does the required summer athletic activities legislation apply to an institution that offers only one summer session, and the session lasts less than eight weeks?

Answer: Prospective student-athletes (freshmen or transfers) are only permitted to participate in required athletic activities during the time period (term) in which the student-athlete is enrolled, which includes only the time from the opening day of classes through the last day of final exams for the term. Continuing student-athletes would be subject to the same application as prospective student-athletes unless they meet the appropriate provisions of the exception to summer-school enrollment. A continuing student who meets the exception may continue to engage in any remaining portion of the eight weeks of required summer athletics activities until the day before the first day of classes for the fall term.

Question No. 19: May coursework from an early summer-school session (e.g., first four-week session) from that same summer be considered when determining whether a student-athlete is meeting the exception to the summer-school requirement for the remaining weeks of the required summer athletic activities?

Answer: No. In order to meet the exception to summer-school enrollment, the student-athlete must have successfully completed the applicable academic requirements by the end of the preceding regular academic term (e.g., spring semester, spring quarter).

Question No. 20: May remedial, tutorial or noncredit courses be used to satisfy the requirements of the exception to summer-school enrollment?

Answer: Yes, provided such courses meet the requirements of NCAA Bylaw

Question No. 21: Must a student-athlete who has just completed four semesters or six quarters have declared a degree program (and have completed 50 percent of the program) in order to meet the exception to summer-school enrollment?

Answer: No. Pursuant to Bylaw, a student-athlete must designate a degree program prior to participation in competition that occurs during or immediately before the third year of enrollment. Further, pursuant to Bylaw, during the first two years of enrollment, a student-athlete may use credits acceptable toward any of the institution’s degree programs. Therefore, a student-athlete may fulfill the 50 percent requirement based on credits acceptable toward any of the institution’s degree programs.

Question No. 22: Must a student-athlete who has just completed eight semesters or 12 quarters have completed all of the baccalaureate degree requirements for the student-athlete’s specific degree in order to meet the exception to the summer-school enrollment requirement?

Answer: Yes. After completing eight semesters or 12 quarters, a student-athlete who has not completed all of the baccalaureate degree requirements for his specific degree must be enrolled in summer school in order to participate in summer athletic activities.

Question No. 23: May an institution provide room and board to returning student-athletes to participate in required summer athletic activities if the individuals are not enrolled in summer school?

Answer: No. It is not permissible to provide room and board to student-athletes who are not enrolled in summer school. Room and board may be provided, pursuant to Bylaw 15.2.8, to student-athletes who are enrolled in summer school.

Question No. 24: May an institution provide training table meals to student-athletes who are participating in required summer athletic activities?

Answer: No.

Question No. 25: Is it permissible to provide entertainment to student-athletes who are participating in required summer athletic activities?

Answer: No. Bylaw 16.7 does not apply to summer athletic activities.

Question No. 26: Is it permissible for a student-athlete to engage, either concurrently or separately, in both required summer athletic activities in football and permissible practices for a foreign tour?

Answer: Yes, provided the student-athlete is eligible to participate in both activities. However, if a student-athlete is only eligible for either the foreign tour or the required summer activities in football, he may only engage in the activity for which he is eligible.

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As a reminder, student-athletes may receive medical treatment and attend academic appointments on a required day off. These activities do not count toward daily or weekly hour limits (CARA).

Reminder: Student-athletes may not receive payment from any source for his/her complimentary admissions and may not exchange or assign them for any item of value. Also, family members and friends who have been assigned tickets may not sell or exchange them either!

With the NFL season kicking off this week, remember that all sports wagering activities are prohibited for all student-athletes and UGA Athletics Staff. This includes fantasy football, survivor pools, etc.

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